Marketing Your Dealership - Beyond The Website

Sep. 5 2017 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

It's important to implement a digital marketing strategy that goes beyond your website - not only to increase online visibility for your dealership, but to help build up your reputation as well.

Dealer Spike offers marketing packages that include access to a marketing strategy expert, a marketing designer, monthly meetings over the phone to discuss results and strategy, and detailed analytic reports. These packages are designed to be beneficial for every individual dealership, meaning that Dealer Spike works directly with your team to create the right strategy for your dealership. No two businesses are alike, and it's important to remember that a unique marketing strategy is essential. Dealer Spike's marketing team evaluates and analyzes the needs of your business to determine the best way to improve performance in the future.

Every marketing package is different, and together you and your marketing expert can choose from the following products that will be most beneficial for your dealership:

E-Newsletter Services
E-newsletters are a great way to increase awareness among your customers. You can choose to send targeted messages to select groups of people based on interests and behavior. Within the data associated with your e-newsletters, you can see who is actively engaging by opening and clicking on your emails, telling you which of your customers are legitimately interested in your products. Using this information, you can keep targeting the prospects most likely to purchase from you.

Social Media Posts
Social media is an important marketing tactic in today's world, because such a wide volume of users are active on social media platforms. To get your dealership noticed, it's important to extend brand recognition and capture your audience through your presence on social media. Our marketing packages can help you do this. We offer custom images for posts, dynamic inventory remarketing ads, boosted and sponsored posts, targeted and custom-built audience groups, and more!

800 Call Tracking
We can set up tracking numbers that are associated with each of your traditional and online advertising channels, so that you can tell which ads are performing the best. These numbers can be placed in your ads, and you can use our dynamic number insertion to replace the target numbers on your website automatically when someone visits through a channel you are tracking.

Website Banners
The homepage of your website is arguably the most important piece of your site. It's where you will grab the attention of your users and encourage them to keep coming back for more. If you have unprofessional-looking photos on your homepage, people may not be inclined to come back. In our marketing packages, we offer website slideshow banner creation from our expert marketing team to ensure your website looks professional and is visually appealing.

When done correctly, geo-targeting can transform your dealership website's visibility. We carefully geo-fence the outreach of your marketing efforts so that we can show specific ads for the locations, down to the zip code, that you would like to target. This is an important tool, because you don't want to waste your ad spend on users who are unable to easily access your dealership. Dial in your marketing strategy and focus on your perfect prospects.

These product summaries only offer a glimpse into the results that Dealer Spike's marketing packages can produce for your business. While tracking your marketing efforts, it's important to consider what's working, and what is not. Through analyzing your efforts with the help of your Dealer Spike marketing specialist, you can alter marketing strategies and grow your customer base. With the consultation you receive through your marketing package, you can modify your efforts to better reach your customers' needs, ultimately generating higher quality leads.