Every day, four billion people check their email. 

This means four billion people are prime candidates for an email marketing campaign. 

In our previous blog, we highlighted the fundamental importance of email. Email marketing continues to reign as one of the highest-profiting marketing strategies for businesses. For every dollar spent on email marketing, brands see a return of $42, which is a 4200% ROI(1). 

Email marketing is vital to any successful inbound marketing strategy because it creates the potential for a personal connection with a shopper at any stage of the buying cycle. And the personalized aspect is key because it fosters a system of lead nurturing.

Gain Customers Through Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is investing in relationships with customers and prospects to foster valuable opportunities. Through a process of awareness and education, dealers can build meaningful connections with promising leads. Email is one of the best ways to promote lead nurturing because it reaches your audience on an individual basis. Email content pulls from analytics to target the right demographics and present them with compelling content that enlightens, educates and convinces them to convert to your brand.

An effective email nurture campaign serves two crucial purposes: to proactively answer questions and to provide content that furthers leads along the buying journey. To ensure your email content is top tier and 100% relevant to your prospects, we recommend launching an automated email campaign.

Automate Your Email Nurture Campaign

Automating your email campaigns not only saves your dealership a lot of time and manpower, but it also ensures that leads receive personalized email content based on their behavior. Website analytics technology tracks shoppers’ movements and interests on your website. Certain actions such as clicking on inventory or signing up for a newsletter can notify the technology to send out an email that sets the recipient on a journey personal to them. For example, someone who recently browsed your inventory could receive an email showcasing the same or similar units that they viewed, along with an invitation to visit your website again.

Automated email marketing can also keep previous buyers connected to your dealership. Once a customer makes a purchase, they can be transferred into an email list for parts offers, maintenance notifications and even buyback offers. These emails remind customers that you value the trust they have placed in your dealership.

Choose Email Types that Drive Lead Nurturing

The right type of email content serves to move leads from the consideration stage to the decision stage. Here are three email types that are particularly compatible with nurturing your leads into making a purchase:

Featured inventory: Get your leads excited about new inventory or bring them back to previously viewed listings. Include compelling images to get your audience excited to visit your website.

Promotions: Very few people turn away the opportunity to save money, especially for a unit, part or service they need. Offer new leads a limited-time deal, promote a seasonal sale or encourage customers to get a tune up at a reduced price.

Newsletters: Keep your audience up to date by delivering exclusive content about your dealership news. Drive more traffic to your website, blog posts and new inventory arrivals.

Wherever a potential lead stands on the buying journey, the right email can intersect their path and turn an opportunity into a sales conversion. Automating your email nurture campaign transforms your marketing strategy by increasing your ROI and minimizing wasted resources.

Want to learn more about running an automated email campaign. Connect with Dealer Spike today!

(1)HubSpot 2021 Report