Why Email Should Be Fundamental to Your Dealership

Dec. 15 2021 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

You are a hard-working industry professional.

Naturally, you want to ensure your efforts turn a profit by using the most effective strategies to market your dealership and promote your inventory.

Perhaps you have limited resources and little time to focus on a full marketing campaign. In this case, you would most benefit from a marketing channel that maximizes your results without stretching your efforts thin.

Email marketing is a long-standing digital marketing strategy, and for good reason! The email inbox is one of the most effective platforms to reach your customers and prospects. While media like TV commercials, radio ads and digital ads may be tuned out or skipped past, email land directly where your leads are looking. After all, 99% of consumers check their email daily(1), and even if they don’t convert right away, your dealership is now on their radar. Many consumers prefer to receive marketing messages through email because it’s noninvasive, doesn’t disrupt their online viewing experience and allows them to interact on their own schedule.  

Here are some tips to optimize your marketing strategy to drive more lead engagement:

  • Keep the content simple: Avoid overwhelming your recipients with emails that are bursting with content or full of multiple design elements. Less is certainly more, so keep to a simple design that reflects your brand and let your message speak for itself. 
  • Provide a clear message: The purpose of your email should be clear from the start, with a strong subject line and a friendly but to-the-point message. 
  • Draw the eyes with imagery: Use graphics wisely to make your email memorable for your recipients. Graphics such as unit images and videos are great because they provide a visual explanation for people who prefer minimal reading.
  • Include a strong call-to-action: Emails are only as effective as their calls-to-action because these are what drive recipients to convert. Stick to a singular call-to-action that provides clear instructions (eg, call your dealership, visit your website, etc.) so that interested leads can transition seamlessly from your email to making a conversion. 
  • Automate your email campaigns: Automated email marketing triggers pre-written emails based on your recipients’ actions, ensuring they only receive email content that matches their interests.

Email marketing is proven to drive sales opportunities and foster customer loyalty, as it remains relevant at any stage of the buying journey. When combined with automated, data-driven tools, you can ensure your emails are personalized to each lead and arrive in their inbox at critical touch points, including following up with buyers after a sale. 

Digital marketing provides many important and beneficial strategies, and no single tool outweighs the potential of another. We encourage you to maintain a dynamic digital marketing strategy and keep email marketing as a key component to drive leads.

For more information about email marketing strategies, please connect with our digital experts today.
